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2 sticks real butter                    1/2 cup Crisco, shortening
3 cups sugar                                 6 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla                     1 cup milk
3 cups plain flour

In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and shortening.  Add sugar mixing well.  Add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly.  Add vanilla and blend in a part of the flour and add part of the milk, alternating back and forth ending up with the flour last.  Do not over beat.  Pour into a greased and floured cake pan.  Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour or until tested done.

Note:  This has been "Tweet's" standard recipe for wedding cakes and anytime you need a moist and flavorful plain cake. This cake is so good, it does not need a topping, unless your "sweet tooth" is acting up. Comments by Mickey Porter March 13, 1999.

Recipe from Joyce Ann Porter aka Tweet.  My bride had a near complete collection of the Wilton Walt Disney character pans and pans of all sizes and shapes......I know it was more than 100 and she has given most of them to a niece and others that were baking cakes to sell.   She was in charge of a bakery at Carl's Food Center, Wadesboro, NC  many decades back which means she did most of the baking and cake decorating herself.  She attended a Wilton school in Charlotte, NC to learn some of the Wilton techniques for flowers, etc.  Since then, many new techniques such as air brushing cakes from patterns is common place now but not used back then.